Toni Bou
Datos personales
- Piera, Barcelona (Spain)
- October 17th, 1986
- 1.76 m.
- 78.5 kg.
Toni Bou, in numbers
The Unstoppable Toni Bou
The second Toni stepped onto the Trial scene, things changed forever. Season after season, he has knocked his rivals out of the water in every competition he has taken part in. He already has over 20 titles, and just keeps on winning. Is there an end to this superhero’s powers?
Toni Bou was born in 1984, in Piera. Since he was a child, he has been a huge fan of mountain biking, greatly influencing his later Trial riding style. Although he has 27 titles to his name, Toni always insists that none of them were easy to come by. His victories are the fruit of his hard work, training, and determination.
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