Ángel was a friendly fellow with a noble soul, which earned him the respect and affection of riders and fans.
We keep with us as a reminder these pictures of Ángel on the legendary red bullet of Derby, riding on the circuit in the ’60s and ’70s. The rider from Zamora competed in the Motorcycling World Championship and the Spanish Speed Championship, thrilling an entire generation of motor sport fans. Repsol had the pleasure of having him on our team on more than one occasion, and we won several world championship titles together.
After retiring form competition in 1987 he remained close to the world of motorcycling, and a sports commentator and a familiar face on the paddock. Ángel was a friendly fellow with a noble soul, which earned him the respect and affection of riders and fans alike. We’ve all felt an empty space inside since he’s left us.
For everything you taught us in our time together, THANK YOU, ÁNGEL!