For each GP, riders take part in up to three free training sessions, in addition to the qualifying rounds. What determines whether a rider is placed in Q2 or Q1? How is the starting grid organized? Box Repsol is here to answer any questions you may have about the MotoGP qualifying format.

Which riders go to Q1 and which to Q2?
First, in order to be able to take part in the qualifying rounds, a rider must set a time equal or better than 107% of the best time set by the fastest rider at any of the practice sessions.
Since the Grand Prix Commission changed in mid July which sessions timed for qualifying/entry into Qualifying 2, the second, 60-minute practice session on Friday (now named Practice) is the sole practice session timed for entry into Q2. The 10 fastest riders will go directly to Q2, while the rest will have to compete for the privilege of entering the race at Q1.
The two fastest riders in Q1 are promoted to Q2, while the rest will start as of the 13th place on the grid.

How is the order on the grid determined?
Riders will start the race from Q2 or Q1 in accordance with their times. Those in Q2 will be the 12 first, while those who haven’t managed to go beyond Q1 will start at the back. In the event a rider does not make the required time, they will automatically start from the back, or from 12th place if they made it to Q2. In the event several riders are unable to set the required time, or set the exact same time, their combined times during training will be used to break the tie.
In the event one or both qualifying rounds are cancelled, the starting line order will be determined, as is customary, on the basis of the best combined times set during the training sessions.
Position on the track
The poleman will occupy the first position on the track and this position will be determined on the basis of what was agreed during the approval of the circuit.
Currently, MotoGP starting grids are laid out in step-like-rows, each row made up of 3 riders and separated from each other by a distance of 9 meters.
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