
Motorbike Helmet Expiry: When Should I Change Helmets?

6 minutes

We don’t often pay attention to the most important safety component used every time we ride a bike: the helmet. When should you get a new one? Read on to find out.

Motorbike Helmet Expiry: When Should I Change Helmets?

Helmets require special care. Proper maintenance is essential to ensure all of the helmet’s features are functioning properly. In the end, it is there to protect you and that is worth your time and attention.

You’ve likely heard a lot about motorbike helmet durability, and you should remember that helmet robustness and durability depend on the material the outer shell is made of. So, it is essential you know your helmet and all of its parts well.

The importance of purchasing a good helmet

In short, your helmet indeed has an expiration date and you should absolutely know it.
Remember that wearing an old helmet that should be out of commission is practically like riding without a helmet, and riding without a helmet exponentially increases the serious harm of a potential accident, in addition to the chances of rider death.

You should be responsible when choosing a helmet. The process of learning about your helmet begins when you buy it. Its future durability will depend on how much time and money you invest in buying it. If you’re in the process of shopping for a helmet or think that your current helmet may be close to its expiration date, we recommend checking out the following post. This article explains a few tricks for getting the right helmet.
Duration of different helmets based on material.

Polycarbonate (plastic) helmets usually expire after five years, provided they are properly maintained. For instance, if you use yours daily for several hours, it will likely last a bit less time. Pay close attention to the manufacturer’s indications and respect the expiration date.
You should also consider how you take care of your helmet when you’re not using it.

Always store it in its case and avoid exposure to extreme temperatures. Be aware that the materials in your helmet can be affected both by very low and very high temperatures. Sunshine, humidity and frost can seriously affect your helmet’s health and durability.

Fibre composite and carbon fibre helmets last longer, between eight and 10 years, provided they have no defects and were not dropped or otherwise struck. This exception applies in all cases for all helmet types. If a helmet is struck hard or dropped (even if it was knocked from a shelf to the floor) you should change it or at least take it to a specialised shop so they can have a look at it.

Helmets are designed to absorb impacts in the event of an accident, so if one falls from a height or is otherwise struck, a crack or crazing may appear on the surface, but other times the exterior may appear to be intact. In all cases, it’s likely that the helmet’s absorption capacity has decreased, so it would be dangerous to continue using it. That is why you should change your helmet after an accident for your own safety.

If you have any questions about the condition of your helmet, we recommend heading to a specialised shop so that they can take a look at it and ensure that it is still suitable for use. Always be highly responsible with your own safety. Don’t attempt to cut corners in terms of time or money when it comes to protecting your head.

Another factor affecting helmet durability is heat. If you leave your helmet exposed to the sun for a while or near a heat source like a radiator, heater or even your bike’s exhaust pipe, you may be compromising its properties. Check the manual and manufacturer’s recommendations.

Harsh agents like solvents, petrol and any kind of fuel should also be kept away from your helmet. They can weaken the outer shell and make it less resistant. Keeping your helmet away from these kinds of products is entirely up to you. Get into the habit of not leaving your helmet hanging off your bike’s handlebars, regardless of whether or not you store it in your own garage. Keep your helmet in a safe place. Take it with you. Use the case, except under certain circumstances, like if it’s wet or icy. Under those circumstances, the case will create a wet atmosphere that may detrimentally affect your helmet’s condition.

The inner shell should properly conform to your head. If your helmet is loose when you move it side to side or up and down, it’s time to change it. Remember that if you use your helmet heavily it may wear down or deteriorate before its expiration date.

Bear in mind that your helmet is made of different parts. Each one of these parts has certain things it is sensitive to and its own durability. You should not only know your helmet; you should also know all of the components in it. The outer shell is exposed to sunlight and low temperatures. It has a high risk of crazing. The inner shell, on the other hand, is not exposed to the above-mentioned factors, but it has another enemy affecting it more than other helmet components; moisture. Moisture can quickly put an end to the life of your padding if you don’t take good care of it. The chin strap and visor are also part of your helmet and also require special care. In short, if you know your helmet and its components inside and out, you’ll be ahead of the curve when it comes to maintenance.

Remember that your helmet should be snug, without squeezing you. Above all, it should not be loose or move around your head or tilt backwards if you attempt to move it with the chin rest. A wiggling helmet is a sign that it’s too big. If it fit properly when you bought it but over time has lost hold, your helmet is telling you that it’s time for a new one.

Regardless of how much you love your helmet or its design, you need to get a new one when the service life indicated by the manufacturer is up! Keeping it squeaky clean on a shelf is another way to keep “enjoying” it every day.

header: Pexels 

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